Monday, June 30, 2008

Samsung P2 5.08 Firmware

Latest update. This is apparently NOT the final 4th Bluewave from Samsung. It is available on the official Samsung Support Download sites, and is labelled a BETA. No feature changes from 5.05. Primarily bug fixes.

Download it HERE.
You'll need these GAMES.
4.13 UCIs don't work. HERE are replacements.

In case you didn't update to 5.05, this update adds:

- Password lock
- Hold options of entire device or just screen
- Custom UCI creation and sharing via new Emodio Application and web site.
- Voice recording
- 3 User DNSe settings.
- 2 new games, both playable over bluetooth with other P2s.
- hint that it might support downloadable games.

I'm sure I forgot something. Let me know what you find.



  1. Thanks Dude! Your website is great! Thanks for all the files :)

  2. Did it add lyric functionality ... please :P
